I recently rejoined Stephanie McCabe on her podcast, Dog Women Unleashed - Let the conversation begin, to talk about what it’s like “Living and Working with a Chronic Illness”.
This episode is JAM PACKED with information about our experiences not only living with, but running successful businesses with a chronic illness.
Check it out to hear my perspective on the following topics:
Chronic Illness vs. Disability
“Looking” Normal with an Illness or Disability
Defining the ‘Spoons Theory’
Not Letting Your Illness Define Who You Are
Medical Roadblocks for Women
Partner Support
Making my Business Work Through Delegation
Self-care Through Prayer and Meditation
Being Kind to Others in Our Profession
Benefit of Humor
Discussion Participants:
Host: Stephanie McCabe https://www.dogwomenunleashed.com/
Guests: Me of course! (Leslie Horton)
Tori Roser https://www.pawlisheddog.com/
Megan Sierra http://www.expeditionpaws.com/
Click on the picture below to head over to Stephanie’s website where you can listen or download the podcast on all major podcasting platforms.
Let’s us know what you think in the comments.
Have a great day! Leslie